Monday, June 8, 2020

Suddenly Summer

We waited a l-o-n-g time for spring this year in the Black Hills. I know a lot of you did, too.

But look what happened! We skipped over spring and went straight into summer!

Only four weeks ago, we were still in the grips of late winter/early spring. We took a trip with friends up to Spearfish Canyon and visited Roughlock Falls. Not surprisingly, we were the only ones there in light snow and freezing temperatures.

May 9, 2020

But we were thrilled to see the signs of the coming spring.

And only a month later, we are surrounded by green and beautiful flowers!

The perennial garden in front of our house is beginning to unfold. Since we moved into our new place at the end of the summer last year, every new flower bloom is a surprise.

This is what the garden looked like last fall:

Is it any wonder that I love seeing every new plant growing this spring?

And the wildflowers are beginning to bloom, too! In the front of our place (which doesn't face the road) we have this meadow-covered hill.

Almost thirty years ago, before our house was built, a forest fire passed through this area and destroyed most of the trees. As a result, we have a few tall Ponderosa pines around (which we love) and we get to enjoy this beautiful meadow. We often see a herd of deer grazing in the morning, or bedding down for the night. We're keeping a close eye out for fawns this time of year!

Those tree stumps are left from that long-ago fire.

And it's interesting that purple/blue are the wildflower colors for early June.

Will red, orange, yellow and pink show up later? Maybe...especially if I buy a packet of native wildflower seeds and scatter them through the meadow...

Another announcement is that Jack had a birthday on Saturday!

He's one year old now!

And Sam has discovered flies (aka, "sky raisins.")

How is summer at your house?

Jan Drexler is an author by day who is addicted to counted cross stitch and sauntering through the Hills with her dear husband and their puppies - goofy corgi Jack and growing-fast border collie Sam. You can find Jan's books and other fun things on her website:


  1. Don't you just get so excited about color??? After long, long winters and nary a spring, it's so much fun to see color. Our springs are cold here, the Great Lakes effect, so I understand your glee 100%.

    Now to have flowers, to be able to work outside, it's a breath of fresh air, literally. And we're planting, planting, planting, but some chilly nights ahead and it's June... I scolded the calendar!

    Happy birthday to Jack! And what puppy doesn't love chasing flies?

    1. Since we're in a semi-arid climate, our color lasts SUCH a short time! Most years we green up in late May, but then the grass starts to go dormant mid-summer, and by August it's brown. We'll still have flowers into the fall, but this vibrant green of early summer is short-lived. I think we enjoy it even more because of that.

      And yes, I'm so glad the flies give him something to do! Border collies need a job or they go crazy. Give me flies over crazy puppy any day!

  2. How beautiful, Jan! I know you are just thrilled to pieces to be living your dream of a house in the hills.

    Summer. Ugh. Yes, it's here. 'Nuf said.

    1. "Thrilled to pieces" doesn't even begin to describe it!

      And what can I say about Texas summers? I hope you enjoy it?

  3. It's beautiful, Jan. Even down here in the South where Spring comes early, I always love when the colors start to come back. And of all the greens, that new spring green is the best!

    1. When we lived in the south (okay, the "near" south in Kentucky,) I couldn't believe how the spring flowers all bloomed at once! Within two weeks all the flowers were out and showing off their loveliness. I was/am used to a northern spring. First the crocuses bloom, and then the daffodils. Then the tulips and lilacs. One type of flower at a time.

      I'm not sure which I like best!

  4. Happy Birthday, Jack! Such a handsome lad. Ha -- Sam the ninja sky raisin catcher! And look how gangly he is!

    Our spring has been a funny one too. Major snowstorms in May then a week later a record heat waves. My garden is so confused. The spring flowers started drying up mid bloom and the summer flowers pushed out blooms way too early. I'm having a grand time working in the garden though. Can't wait to eat some of my produce.

    1. I hope your weather settles in so you get some great produce from your garden! I'm so pumped for you! Look at you, gardening like a pro. :-)

      And you're right - Sam is so gangly. We say he has freakishly long legs, especially compared to Jack, LOL!

      Border collies are raised for their abilities and intelligence, so different bloodlines have different physical features. Our other BC, Connor, was from chunkier stock, with a solid squarish body and shorter legs. Sam is from the opposite end of the gene pool with his slim body and long legs. It appears that Sam will be a smaller dog than Connor, too. He's almost six months, which means he's reaching the end of his growing weeks. He might put on another couple inches and a few pounds, but he's nearly his adult size.

  5. Jan, I'm sorry I missed your post! Lots of great photos! I'm so glad you finally have some green and flowers. So beautiful there!

    Happy birthday, Jack!!
