Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Repost - It's all in the presentation

It's 1:00 AM and I just realized I never put my post up. I thought about it many times today, but I've been absolutely buried in end of the year grading. I'm laughing to think that back in March I thought online school would be so much less time-consuming.  HAH!

SO, I decided to see what I posted this week last year.

I'm now laughing again because once again I have to follow a powerhouse post by Mindy. I'm craving that strawberry spinach salad right about now.

So, here we go, a repost brought to you by mind-numbing grading because what is the only thing worse than trying to get 8th graders to care about end-of-the year assignment? Getting them to turn them in when it's all virtual. I spent 3 hours tonight chasing down students to get things turned in so they wouldn't actually fail. *sigh*

So enjoy my summer flowers. 

It's All in the Presentation, Right?

Nothing as dramatic today as Mindy's post was yesterday.
Today we have peaceful and pretty.

I love looking at the flowers while I'm walking Fenway.

Aren't daisies just happy-looking flowers? So cheerful.

And these beautiful pink roses.

Tonight we had a gorgeous sunset. I wish I'd had my camera handy on Friday because the sunset was absolutely, insanely beautiful - the kind that makes the whole sky and even inside the house glow because of the intensity of it.

God in all his glory.

But the food treat was man-made.

I thought you would appreciate seeing this. Over the weekend, my daughters and I traveled to PA for a memorial mass for my husband on Saturday. On Sunday, we were on the lookout for a place to enjoy brunch where the vegan daughter could find something before her flight took her away.


She found an adorable little place. It turned out to be run by a super health conscious young couple,  recent immigrants from the Czech Republic who are determined to make the healthiest eating experience around. They were so dang cute and conscientious.

Daughter #1 had jerk chicken and their special gluten-free waffles. (Everything was gluten-free).
I had the waffles with blueberries.  I have to admit, the waffles were extraordinarily good tasting, but they didn't look all that different from any other homemade Belgian style whole grain waffles.

What struck my fancy was the vegan daughter's smoothie bowl.  Isn't this adorable?

Ha! It wasn't lost on me that my mother would not have approved of the plumeria in the food (if you recall my honeysuckle debacle post!)

The smoothie bowl was called Ocean View.

The blue green water came courtesy of spirulina, banana, and vanilla. The sand was a nutty granola, and the whitecaps were a delicious coconut cream.

They also had smoothie bowls called Oktoberfest and Flamingo Lake. I'm sort of dying of curiosity to know what those look like.

Now seriously, most smoothie bowls have everything pretty much tossed together. The extra artistic care these guys took really impressed me and made me hyper aware of how little effort I put into presentation. So I figured I'd ask you.

Do you go the extra mile in presentation? All the time or just on special occasions? Interested minds would like to know (and maybe alleviate some guilt?).


  1. Boy, this is a tough one because I have no time to think of presentation unless it's a holiday.... and with 14 grandkids, any presentation tends to go down the drain with the joy of kids, playing.... so I bear that in mind. Having said that, my daughter-in-law Lacey does a really nice job of putting things together so that the presentation for a party or a gathering is gorgeous... So if I'm doing a wedding or a shower or something like that, I pay attention to detail.

    Otherwise we just eat to eat, mostly.

    But that's why I appreciate pretty food when we eat out. :) Because it's probably not going to happen in the farm kitchen!!!

    1. God bless, Lacey. Some people just have a knack for it - or an interest. Me, I'd rather read and write books.

  2. Flowers are always beautiful, Mary Cate. And I'm still intrigued by that smoothie bowl. The blue is amazing.

  3. I count it a win if all the parts of the meal are ready to eat at the same time! But I do appreciate good presentation.

    And the flowers - I hope they're just as beautiful this year. :-)

  4. Ha! Presentation for me is when I stick a spoon in my porridge and notice two raisins peeking out so it looks like my oatmeal is a mushy face sticking its tongue out at me. I'm so sophisticated. :-)
