Friday, June 12, 2020

Love Blueberry Season!

Missy Tippens

I recently heard about a drive-through farmer's market, Georgia Grown To-Go. It has been moving around the state as a way to help farmers who are struggling right now. I was really glad when it came to our county.

I ordered a box of produce plus a big box of blueberries.

We can eat a lot of blueberries, but I knew I needed to freeze some. And blueberries are so easy!

First, I had to wash them and let them dry. This took up most of the counter and a lot of kitchen towels!

While the berries dried, I used some to make jam. I had found a really interesting recipe I wanted to try. It's made using chia seeds for thickening.

For this post, I could not find the recipe I used! But this one from the Simple Vegan blog is very similar. The recipe I used called for honey. This one uses maple syrup or agave, which I think I would actually prefer. I did not like the honey flavor with the blueberries. Next time I'd like to try maple syrup.

I bought black chia seeds to use.

Here is my pot while cooking down and mashing the berries. I forgot to take a photo later! But this recipe was enough to make one jar of jam. It was good but will need more sweetener next time I make it. This version is more like a fruit spread. I want my jam sweet. :)

Eventually, I took my washed and dried berries and spread them out in a single layer on four cookie sheets. Then I put the sheets into the freezer for a couple of hours (I had to do it in batches). Once frozen, I placed them in zip lock baggies.

Easy peasy for future use!

I sure wish I had taken a photo of my produce box. It was full of gorgeous vegetables! I will definitely take part next time they come to our county later this month. This was a huge deal. Lots of traffic control and workers and many, many lanes for cars. I'm talking hundreds of people and cars. I was shocked when I arrived.

Speaking of lots of traffic... I have to tell you about my embarrassing moment. The farmer's market was touch free. I paid ahead, and I was pointed to a line. They directed me to stop, and they were going to just open the back of my SUV and put in my boxes.

But for the first time ever, my unlock button would NOT work!! I tried and tried, meanwhile people behind me in my lane were waiting! I was so embarrassed! So I quickly turned off my car, grabbed my keys, and ran around (with my mask on) to open the back of my car, not thinking of the fact that my key fob broke off my keychain a while back (I've just been punching in the code on the door). I immediately realized I would have to use the key. Only, when I got to the back of my vehicle, I couldn't find a lock to use a key in. I've never had to use it! I don't even know if there is one. LOL So the poor workers, who were trying to stay 6 feet away, suggested the back seat. I said okay. I hopped back in the driver's seat, and realized (of course) that all the other doors were also locked. DUH. So I began to stretch to try to reach the back passenger side door where they were standing.

Nope. Nearly popped a gut but could not reach. (Again, traffic is still piling up behind me.) Even more mortified, I jumped up on my knees to stretch across to open the front passenger door using the inside handle.

Finally (with me apologizing profusely) they were able to deliver my boxes. I'll probably be forever banned!! haha

I'm thrilled for the farmers that this project is so successful. Maybe by the time I do this again, they will have forgotten about the crazy chick with the broken Ford Expedition.

Oh, P.S. When I started my car again, the stupid locks worked!!! :)

If you're in Georgia, check out Georgia Grown at this website.


  1. Oh my stars, that sounds like a Ruthy-moment, Missy! I'm laughing and commiserating! Oh mylanta, I can totally see it... and the good thing is that none of those folks know you or will see you again. The mask helps that, LOL! Go you!

    And I always use sugar purposely with my jams. Jams are one thing that I want real sugar with, so sugar gets my vote. But I'm loving the thought of those produce boxes!

    1. Ruthy, that's a good point about the mask!! haha And I'll definitely take your real sugar idea to heart. :)

  2. That so sounds like something I would have done, Missy. I'm good at embarrassing myself like that.

    Our farmer's market is open again. No drive through, though. You have to walk up. I can't wait for the peaches. They should be arriving soon. Then the cantaloupe. Yum! I'm enjoying strawberries and blueberries now, but those generally come from the grocery store. We are blessed to have HEB stores her in Texas and they pride themselves on having Texas produce in season, so that's a huge bonus.

    1. Mindy, you're lucky to have a farmer's market nearby. I need to find out what we have near here. I haven't ever checked!
