Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A New Puppy and Quarantine Kid Makes Bagels

So the news this week is all about my daughters.

Youngest daughter got a new puppy.

He fits right in - already has his head buried in a book!

You may remember that on that looooong Christmas trip to Maine, in between the old car breaking down and me having to buy a new (to us) car, we had to have her kitty put to sleep. 😢

She was lonely up there in quarantine without a furbaby. She knew she couldn't replace her kitty, but a puppy seemed like a good idea. But Maine had restrictions on adoptions from out of state, so she was in limbo. She got a call on her birthday that the pup could be hers - whenever restrictions were eased. That happened June first.

Meet Teddy. (He is SO tiny - he weighs 5 pounds!)

Teddy has the wrong idea about yoga mats. When my daughter got the mat out to do her yoga, he decided it was time to play.

And then of course it was nap time!

I love this video because it captures his personality. He's only 5 months old, but already he's one determined pup. My daughter says he has no clue he's so small.

Meanwhile, back down in NYC, Oldest daughter did her second round of bagel making. For her first batch she used whole wheat flour, but they were a little more dense than she wanted, so she switched to bread flour for the second batch.  The recipe was based on one she found on Sally's Baking Addiction.

First she made the dough and allowed it to rise.

Next step was to break it into little balls and rise again.

Time to make them into bagel shapes...


Add toppings and bake!

It sounds so simple, but I know it was a very long process. She was happy with the outcome and enjoyed them for breakfast for days.

What do you think? Have you or would you give bagel making a try?


  1. I love homemade bagels! They have that old-fashioned Jewish chewiness that's so hard to find these days. I rarely have time to make them, but they're marvelous!

    And what a stinkin' cute "purse" pup! Congrats to younger daughter and I hope he's great company for her.

    Doesn't that trip, with all its crazy, seem like so stinkin' long ago????????

    It's like a lifetime has passed in these five months.

    Congrats on the new pup!

    1. It feels like so many lifetimes ago.

      Younger daughter is SO in love with this pup. The foster parents, who handed him over to her, couldn't believe how he took to her immediately.

      I can't even imagine having a pup that small. Fenway is 10 times his size!

  2. Oh a new puppy!!! So cute! He looks like a smart cookie too. 😀 My mom has made bagels before. I'm not sure I would be patient enough, but I have been told I can proof dough in my instant pot. Maybe that would help speed up the process?

    1. That's a great question, Katie. I don't know anything about instant pots, so I really wouldn't know, but it sounds like you could.

  3. Mary Cate, I've never even thought about making bagels, but I bet that would be fun. Our youngest daughter loves bagels, so maybe the next time she's here we can give it a try.

    And that puppy. Teddy is adorable. He will be a wonderful companion for your daughter. Puppies are both entertaining and loveable.

    1. They are such a match already. She loves that he's so tiny because he doesn't overwhelm her. I think I'd be terrified to be responsible for anything so small. My babies were never that tiny!

  4. That is one cute pup! And the same age as Sam. They can be Cafe buddies together.

    And bagels - oh, so delicious. But you're right about them being time consuming!!! So the question: are they worth it? Yes. Once in a while they are. :-) And Sally's Baking Addiction has the best recipes!

    1. I think in non-quarantine times, she'd just grab them from the local bagel place, but since that's not possible, it was worth it to her.

  5. Ooohhhh -- a new puppy alert. How adorable is he? Teddy so determined not to leave his teddy behind. :-) We've had so many new puppies in my neighbourhood! But they're all on the bigger size -- Bernese Mountain Dogs, Doodles, Golden Retrievers, Labs and a husky mix. All with that scrumptious puppy waddle! So much fun to watch them grow!

    As to the bagels...nope, would never even think of attempting such a thing!!! I haven't mastered ordinary bread yet and that's my goal. :-)

    1. She claims cinnamon raisin bread is next, Kav.

      Yes, I was very impressed with Teddy's determination. She said the whole time she was trying to do yoga today, he kept jumping up on her.

    2. Cate the yoga part makes me laugh lol I can just see it. When I do my weekly class our dogs either join my while I am laying down or they paw at my feet because obviously I'm on the floor to pet them and just didn't know it 🤣 dogs make life so much fun.

  6. Oh, how cute!!! I'm so glad she got a new companion. I had to grin that his teddy bear is almost as big as he is. :)

    I've always wanted to try to make bagels! I may do it someday.

    1. Missy, it dawned on me today that my daughter was twice as big as him when she was born!
