Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Lazy Days at the Ranch

Well, we haven't made it to the dog days of summer yet, but things have been kind of lazy here at the ranch. 

This brief rain shower was a welcome treat, knocking temps from the 90s to the 80s. And we really need the rain.
You wouldn't think so by looking at this tank, but the others so low I fear they'll dry up if we don't get some substantial rain soon.

Here at the ranch, you never know what you might see. Exciting things like a doe with her fawn.
Or the deer and the cows hanging out together.
Of course, every cow has to have its bird.
Wherever there are cows around here, you'll find egrets. It's a symbiotic relationship. Bugs are attracted to cows and the egrets eat the bugs, so everyone is happy.

Oh, get a load of this little calf. Isn't he unique looking? And it's pretty cool that he's hanging out with his daddy.
But for all of the exciting things, there are some strange ones, too. I woke up the other morning to find this tree frog watching me.
Here, he looks rather plain and unadorned. Then I opened the door.
He's not brightly colored by any means, but how's that for some camouflage? He got a little perturbed with me though, so I had to shut the door.
And every once in a while we'll have an unwanted guest wander by. Yeah, this is when you are sure to keep the dogs inside.
No real cooking this week. At least nothing I haven't already shared before. I've had my head down in a manuscript while hubby's been out doing some shredding with the tractor. Same old, same old. What's happening in your neck of the woods?

Three time Carol Award finalist Mindy Obenhaus is passionate about touching readers with Biblical truths in an entertaining, and sometimes adventurous, manner. She lives on a ranch in Texas with her husband, one sassy pup, countless cattle, deer and the occasional coyote, mountain lion or snake. When she's not writing, she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, cooking and watching copious amounts of the Hallmark Channel. Learn more at mindyobenhaus.com


  1. I love the same old, same old kitchen stuff because we're at that point with planting and weeding/hoeing so it's kind of a free for all... and I think it's tuna sandwiches tonight. And that's okay!

    Those pictures are so cool.... And I love that you have tree frogs! We do, too, and the kids spent days gathering tadpoles out of spring puddles and hollows to save them as things began to dry up... and now the yard is filled with tiny frogs and toads the size of a pinky fingernail and they're everywhere!

    The yard is alive!

    And I'm okay with throw some dogs or burgers on the grill and call it a meal. Our summer is too short to use up too much sunshine on cooking. :)

    1. Oh my, Ruthy. Talk about quick transitions. "I'm okay with throw some dogs" had me gasping until I got to "or burgers." LOL

    2. Ruthy, around here it's that "live" yard that keeps you watching where you're going. I love that the kids gathered up the tadpoles. What fun!

      Mary Cate, you crack me up.

  2. You know, sometimes it's easy to forget the blessing of the rhythm of the seasons. Calves growing, fawns growing, grass growing...life is good, isn't it?

    Around here we have another week or two of easy summer living, and then it's wedding time (squee!) So a long weekend of traveling, family, celebrating, and eating way too much, and then it will be settling back into summer, but with a new daughter-in-law.

    Yes, life is good. :-)

    1. Life is, indeed, good, Jan. And I know you're counting down to that big day. I can't wait to see all the pictures!

  3. Summer is settling in here. I had resisted the AC, but yesterday it became crucial when we hit 90. But right now, it's still early, so the windows are open and I can listen to birds tweet as I read my morning devotion.

    I love lazy days at the farm, Mindy. And yes, the science teacher in me called out camouflage as soon as I saw the photo of that frog.

    1. Mary Cate, I love listening to the birds. Especially in the early morning. And I can't believe you waited until it was 90 to turn on the A/C. I'd be sweatin' like a pig.

  4. Mindy, I love your animals! Well, except for the skunk. :) It looks like an idyllic place to live!
