Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Blueberry Breakfast Cake and Fun with the Grandbaby

There's nothing more exhilarating than time with the grandkids. Whether it's all of them or just one, there's always fun to be had.

This weekend, we had our hands full with Little Miss. 
The weather was perfect for a swim. But there were also rides in the wagon.
Playing the piano.
And lots of time to curl up with a good book.
When visiting Grammy and Big Daddy, there's no telling who might come to visit.
Or what cool things you might encounter. Like this Cicada that just emerged from it old shell.
One thing that's always a favorite when Little Miss and her parents come to visit Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast Cake. 
You can find the recipe here. The lemon zest is an unexpected twist in this cake and it makes all the difference. So trust me when I say you won't want it only at breakfast. You'll want to eat this delicious cake all day long.

What recipes have you tried/enjoyed that had an unexpected twist?

Three time Carol Award finalist Mindy Obenhaus is passionate about touching readers with Biblical truths in an entertaining, and sometimes adventurous, manner. She lives on a ranch in Texas with her husband, one sassy pup, countless cattle, deer and the occasional coyote, mountain lion or snake. When she's not writing, she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, cooking and watching copious amounts of the Hallmark Channel. Learn more at mindyobenhaus.com


  1. Oh my stars, she is the cutest thing!!!!! Not enough "love" emojis in the world for times like this.... and blueberry cake? I'm making your sour cream butter version this week, as if I'm not chunky enough... but my farm helpers need food and it's so stinkin' good.

    I love this, Mindy.

    That's the best kind of visit!

    1. Ruthy, since they call this a "breakfast" cake, you could feed everyone this in the morning and then the Sour Cream Blueberry Cake the rest of the day. Because one can never have enough blueberries. Those antioxidants are so good for us. That negates all the sugar, right? ;)

  2. Blueberries and lemon are up there on my list of favorites. And isn't she just a bundle of joy. Enjoy all the time you get while she is still little :)

    1. Katie, blueberries and lemon are one of those perfect pairings. Makes me want to add lemon to all of my blueberry recipes. And yes, those little ones grow fast. But this toddler stage is so fun. Everything is new and wonderful. Then they get to be teenagers and everything is either dumb or boring. ;)

  3. I made your sour cream blueberry bundt cake again today. You forced me to. I saw this and thought of it and BOOM!!! Baked it while I started building a rock sidewalk/entry out back to catch some mud from the dogs.... And I can't wait to dig into it, Mindy!

    1. Ruthy, if I had that cake here, I'd be ready to dig into it, too.

  4. That baby is getting so big! And it sure looks like she had fun on the ranch. :-)

    The blueberry sour cream cake was a hit at our house, but with only two of us here, I need to put a bit of time between it and making another one.

    But this breakfast cake...hmm...it has all the breakfast foods in it, right? Eggs? Milk? Fruit?

    For a twist, I'm trying a new recipe next week that calls for lime. That's not unusual, but the recipe is called "Garlic Lime Chicken." I'm curious to see how it tastes. If it's good, I'll share it here in the Cafe. If it's a flop, you'll never hear about it. LOL!

    1. Jan, I love lime and garlic. It always reminds me of Mexican dishes. Which then makes me want to add some cumin, but I digress. Lime offers a slightly different flavor than lemon. Not quite as intense. And it pairs wonderfully with garlic.
      And I like the way you think on that breakfast cake. Works for me.

  5. Mindy, what sweet photos of Little Miss!! She's the cutest thing!

    And that cake...Yum! I happen to have buttermilk right now. And a ton of blueberries. :)

    1. Go for it, Missy. If you don't have a lemon to zest, it won't be quite the same, but I bet it would still be delicious.

  6. And nary a copperhead in sight. *shudder*

    1. No, Mary Cate, we made sure there were no snakes around. It also helped that there were four dogs running around.
