Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Three Good Things

Life in Quarantine continues.

This week I'm focusing on three good things.

#1 - I got a lovely email from Katie Drexler sharing this beautiful dish.

Katie said she had some purple Brussels sprouts and some kale so she threw them in a frying pan together with butter (lots of butter).

Doesn't that look fabulous?

#2 - Katie's obviously a much better food photographer than I am. I thought I had a lovely photo of this lentil dish, but then it blurred.

You'll have to take my word for it that it was delicious.

I've been continuing my coconut streak - more about that next week - so when I was making this lentil dish, I decided to add some coconut on top. It was perfect.

I cooked the heirloom lentils with garam masala, served it with rice, and sprinkled the coconut on top. 

Do you ever go on a binge with one ingredient?

#3 - For Mother's Day, my daughters sent me a lovely gift box from one of my favorite bakeries - Bread and Roses Bakery in Ogunquit, Maine. I have such lovely memories of stopping there with my husband for coffee and a treat before we walked along the beach. 

The one that is labeled cinnamon puff - well that is pure decadence. It's a plain muffin dipped in butter and rolled in cinnamon sugar. Oh my stars!

That's the one in the photo. I enjoyed it with a cup of coffee (they also sent the bakery's coffee) and a webcam view of the beach. 


  1. Oh Cate I just wanted you to see how you have inspired a little more healthy eating in our life. Not to mention I know you love kale and what a pretty color these 2 were together I couldn't not send you something pretty in this season. It almost reminds me of a food version of those flowers you share.

    One time I bought a bag of lentils for a soup. They still sit waiting to be used. The second I mentioned them to the other person in the house he turned his nose up. Sigh I'll just have to not tell him one day. It's ok to not tell them everything in something even when they are full grown right?

    Hmmmmm we don't have an ingredient we binge on, but we go through taco/burrito phases. One week recently since I'm working from home I made breakfast burritos almost every single day that week. I'm trying really hard to switch things up so we don't get burnt out.

    1. I had to laugh at Jacob turning up his nose at lentils! His father has a similar aversion to them. :-)

      When I want to eat them, it's dinner for one.

  2. I have never heard of purple Brussels sprouts! I was tortured by boiled-to-death green ones every Sunday my entire childhood and haven't had a Brussel sprout since but that first pic does look appetizing and the switch in color is a good psychological factor. Snicker.

    I love lentil anything. Have been playing around with trying to make a lentil burger but can't get the texture just right so I usually end up mushing it altogether and serving it over rice. lol

    1. LOL I tend to do the same, Kav. I'm pretty much living off lentils and quinoa. I love adding different seasonings to vary the flavor.

  3. Oh, Cate, that Mother's Day box was the perfect gift from your daughters! Celebrating the day with good memories is wonderful.

    And now I'm hungry for muffins!

  4. Those muffins are SO decadent. I've had to pace myself!

  5. Oh my stars, that's such a great Mother's Day gift! Well done, girls, well done!

    And I love the blurred pic. :) That's so me!!!!

    But Katie Drexler, that looks marvelous! Go you!

    We're opening up some at the farm... but I'm limiting where I go and keeping my personal distance while cheering that we need to start opening things up in the quieter areas of the country... It's like walking a ridgepole, isn't it? Easy to tip off in either direction.
