Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My New Happy Find

There really aren't many benefits to quarantine life (beyond the obvious of stopping this virus), but I found one that I wanted to share today.

Way back in March when we went on lockdown, I thought I was so well-stocked. I had 3 weeks worth of milk, an unopened creamer, a container of coconut milk, and a container of hemp milk.

Fast forward to May - they're all gone.

What's a gal to do?

I could go to the supermarket, but ... nah.

So that container of coconut milk? Turns out that worked out pretty well in the coffee, so I went online to see if I could order some. I found something even better.

Coconut Milk Powder is awesome! I stir up a spoonful with some boiling water before I make my drip coffee and  end up with a creamy, delicious cup of joe.

Fenway approves. He likes to lick any powder that spills!

I have to admit, the cinnamon creamer that I had so looked forward to disappointed me because of the chemical taste. No such problems with the coconut powder!

Have you ever tried it?


  1. Jacob has been making his own iced coffee. This might have to go on the list.

    Oh Fenway lol Bond and Sparrow eat coconut oil by the spoon full so I bet they would agree with the joy licking up any spilled powder would bring! Hopefully soon this will all be over.

    1. Hi Katie. I'm not sure how well this will dissolve in iced coffee. Hmmm. On the Amazon page, there seems to be some disagreement in the Q&A about whether it will. I'll try it and get back to you on it.

      Fenway loves coconut oil, but I have to give it to him sparingly because it can bother his stomach. Poor dude.

  2. Hi Fenway!!! What a noble beast! Give him a kiss on his furry forehead for me.

    I didn't know they had a coconut milk powder!!! You are such a great source of information. I'm thinking I could use this in baking too, right, instead of milk? This could be a game changer for my dairy allergy daughter. Woot!

    1. I'm not sure, Kav. The FAQ on Amazon lists it as a coffee creamer, not an alternative to coconut milk. BUT - you can buy coconut milk in containers. I like the Pacific brand because it has no carrageenan.

      Fenway says thank you. He's had a rough week with a really bad ear infection. :(

    2. Ah, poor Fenway. Ear infections are no fun. Sending hugs and well wishes. Rats on the not a potential milk replacement. I've bought cartons of milk replacements before -- haven't tired coconut milk though -- but I always end up with half of it going bad because I don't use it up fast enough.

  3. Hi Cate! Glad to see you're surviving the quarantine!

    I've avoided powdered milk in my pantry (and gone with canned evaporated milk,) but I'll have to look at the powdered coconut milk. I'm always game to investigate something new!

    1. Jan, I have SUCH a strong aversion to powdered milk from my childhood. To save money, my mother used to buy that powdered skim milk and make us drink it instead of regular milk. I can still vividly recall standing at the sink, holding my nose, and downing the whole glass in one fell swoop to avoid the horrid taste of it.

      This is nothing like that!

      Evaporated milk always tastes too sweet to me. Which is crazy because I have such a sweet tooth, but I don't like my coffee sweet.

      But if this goes on long enough, all bets are off.

  4. This is a great idea, Mary Cate. I don't drink coffee or add anything to my tea, but I can see where it might be something to have on hand, just in case.
