Friday, March 27, 2020

A Little Spring

Missy Tippens

Life has been crazy lately. Having beautiful weather here has helped a bit. So I wanted to share a little spring today to lift spirits, especially for those of you who are still in winter weather.

We've been enjoying sun and temps in the 70's here in Georgia. And many trees are in full bloom. Here's one we see out our front windows--our neighbors' cherry blossom tree.

I practically climbed the tree trying to get y'all some closeup shots of the gorgeous blooms. When I got home, my neighbor called to say he wanted to let us know he'd seen someone in his tree and had called the police. About the time my heart stopped, he died laughing! Just kidding me, of course. Yes, we're all a bit looney right now and trying to find fun where we can. :)

I also took a short video for you. It was so peaceful outside. I could hear birds chirping.

A different neighbor's tree...

For Easter, our church is planning to put large wooden butterflies on the front lawn. Individual members took a plain white butterfly to paint in any way they wanted. They'll all be different, and I think there will be about 20-30 of them. My daughter and I painted ours this week. Here it is drying...

Though our congregation probably won't be meeting in person (we've been having services online), we still plan to display the butteries on the church lawn. I think it'll be a powerful message to the community that we're all together in spirit, rejoicing that day. I'll be sure to get a photo to share after Easter!

I pray you're all staying well. Blessings on each of you as we face this pandemic as a nation and world.


  1. Beautiful flowers, Missy! And I can just see your neighbor trying to figure out if you had gone off the deep end - after all, I'm sure don't often climb trees. ;-)

    I was blessed to hear a meadowlark singing as I walked the puppies this morning. Such a lovely sound, and a reminder that spring is coming, even on a snowy day!

    1. Jan, I'm glad you're getting to enjoy bits of spring amidst the snow! By the time you have full spring, we'll probably be sweltering. :)

  2. Oh my goodness, Missy. Your neighbor made me laugh.

    I love your butterfly idea. My church is in a bit of state right now because our Pastor retired and the new one was due to arrive just as all this broke out. With everything closed, it's an odd season.

    1. Mary Cate, that would be a terrible time for transition! The poor new pastor can't meet people in person. I hope y'all can figure out a way to meet online and have some semblance of normalcy and support.

  3. Beautiful tree, Missy. Sounds like your neighbor is quite a character. Had me laughing. ;)
