Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Barren Beauty

When my husband was alive, he did the morning dog walks. Since he passed, that's become my task, the early morning walk before I leave for work. 

For most of the winter, that walk has been pretty much in the dark, as has the evening walk when I get home. 

But there has been an unexpected beauty in these walks. I've come to really appreciate the stark beauty of the trees in winter.

Those early morning walks had me noticing the play of the branches against the sky at other times during the day as well. I'm particularly partial to the dark before dawn or the twilight ones, but the bare branches against a bright blue sky with puffy clouds are lovely too. 

Since today is the first day of spring, and soon (fingers crossed) everything will be budding with new life and color, I thought it might be fun to share some of the photos I snapped on those cold morning and evening walks.

That's the top of the Verrazano Bridge you can see in the background.

You'd really have to zoom in on this to see it in the photo, but I thought the sticky balls look like nature's Christmas balls hanging from the branches.

You can tell I've gotten a little carried away. Who knows, maybe this was just my time to note the beauty in the barren season, but I've come to truly love studying the differences in the patterns of branches in the trees. It's a reminder of how we sometimes miss the hidden beauty once the colors come out to dazzle us.

Do you stop to admire winter's bare beauty or are you a spring/fall only aficionado?


  1. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Sorry, that was the first thing that popped into my head, Mary Cate. They are beautiful, though. I love that there are so many tress in an urban area. Great pictures. I always like it when you give us some insight into NYC life and show us the beauty.

    1. That's what I should have used as a blog title, Mindy! I never even thought of it.

    2. Feel free to check in with me before you post next time, Mary Cate. ;) Though I'm sure this was just fleeting inspiration on my end.

  2. OH, this is so lovely... the time of waiting. Of anticipation. It's so perfect that Advent and Lent are part of this waitful and hopeful anticipation, the barren branches, the glimpses of moonlight, the snow.... the season of waiting and patience wraps its arms around us. What a perfect time to think and pray.

    I have a good friend who lost her husband unexpectedly too.

    She scolds him on a regular basis!

    It took a while before she could do this... and before she began feeling less alone in her tasks... and then another widow stopped by a few days ago and it's taken her years to get enjoyment out of life again.

    We are all different, and if I've learned anything from your examples it's that life hits us square sometimes... and that we all handle things differently.

    As authors we KNOW that. We do that with our characters because they need to act "in" character. But we forget that we do that same thing! We react and absorb and change according to who we are.... and we are unique.

    Thank you, Cate. I loved this glimpse of Brooklyn and I love that the sun is giving us a little more time each day!


  3. I'n so sorry that your friends know this loss too. It's a hard thing.

  4. Mary Cate, I just realized I didn't make it by the blog yesterday! Thanks for sharing your photos. There truly is beauty in the barrenness. I love your sunrise/sunset shots. There's something so peaceful about watching the sun rise or set.
