Friday, July 25, 2014

It's Time for…Homemade Ice Cream!

Making Ice Cream at Home
Missy Tippens

I've watched so many shows on the Food Network where they make ice cream, including Chopped and other shows. And every time, I would think, man, I want to make ice cream that easily (no salt, no ice, no cranking).

Well, while watching a show recently, I hopped on the computer and started checking out machines. When I realized I could get one for about $50, and saw all the positive reviews, I ordered it.

We decided to make a simple chocolate ice cream for our first try.

**Note! You have to plan ahead. The bowl has to freeze for about 24 hours before you make it. Plus, once you mix the ingredients, it has to go in the fridge for about 2 hours.

Recipe taken from the included Cuisinart manual.

3/4 cup sifted cocoa powder (I used part dark and part regular cocoa)
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup packed dark brown sugar (I only had light brown)
pinch of salt
1 cup whole milk
2 cups heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Whisk together cocoa, sugars and salt. Add the milk and mix on low (hand mixer or whisk-I used whisk) until sugar is dissolved. Stir in the heavy cream and vanilla. Cover and put in fridge for 1-2 hours (or overnight).

In this particular ice cream maker, you start the the container, then add the ingredients. Then 15-20 minutes later...

Voila! This tasted yummy, like a thick Frosty from Wendy's!

Since I used the heavy cream and whole milk like the recipe called for, this left a bit of a  greasy film in my mouth. I think next time I'll try only whole milk, or maybe even use some skim milk.

Do any of you have an ice cream maker? Do you do the old fashioned crank kind?


  1. yum! but I'm not big on planning ahead LOL so guess this won't be for me! thank goodness Bluebell is next door at Randalls...I sorta miss the hand crank and rock long as there's a younger generation to do the work!

    1. LOL Susanna. Would be nice to have bluebell next door. :)

  2. I haven't had home made ice cream in a loooonnnngggg time. And it was the cranking kind -- but I don't remember rock salt. Just ice chunks...I think? Anyway, it does taste way better than store bought. I wonder if you could use this machine to make frozen yoghurt? That would tempt me to spend the $50.

    1. Kav, yes! They have recipes for froyo. But you have to let the yogurts sit in cheesecloth or a coffee filter first. I do plan to try it!

    2. we had ice and rock salt surrounding the container -and we used to have to poke our fingers in the holes to make sure it was clear and teh water could drain out into this pan then put more around it. fun times we were kids and didn't realize we were doing the work LOL! the rock salt made it really cold

    3. We have one of these. The kids love it, but I haven't dragged it out this summer because my back room is... sigh... a mess. :( But now I will!!!! Did I see Missy Tippens say she'd use SKIM MILK????? Mmm.... Ice Skim Milk.... Honey, there's a reason they call it "ice cream"... I love that creamy melt-in-your-mouth texture... Missy, if you do try it with skim, let us know how that goes! And Kav, yes, it works for frozen yogurt, absolutely. We've done it often!

    4. Susanna, I remember all that work! :)

  3. We've been watching Extra Virgin cooking show and we can't wait to make some of the wonderful flavors!

    1. Madelyn, I haven't seen that show yet. I'll be sure to check it out. :)

    2. Maddy!!!! I love it when you come to visit us!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

  4. We have this same ice cream maker! We love fresh peach ice cream, strawberry, and blackberry. YUMMY. The blackberry and strawberry are a little more complicated than the peach, because we cook it down into a syrup and then drizzle it on, then let it freeze again, with a sort of ribbon of tastiness inside.

    1. Virginia, this is how I love it done!!!! To use a ribbon of fruit syrup, like at an old-time ice cream shop.... Oh I need to sleep or I'll eat more, and I do not need to eat more!

  5. Ruthy, it might be a little icy with skim milk? I guess. But maybe whole milk would work :)

    Virginia, I love that idea!
