Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Chicken sandwiches with a twist

So I'm having kale for dinner again.

I know, you're all bored. YAWN.

But seriously, when I get home from work, boiling some kale for a few minutes and topping it with chicken that I've cooked in advance, beets that I've cooked in advance, sunflower seeds that toast in a few minutes, and some slices of mandarin oranges with a few croutons tossed on...and I'm a happy person.

But that isn't going to excite anyone, so I thought I'd start this discussion.

Do you ever make sandwiches on unusual bread?

After an unfortunate run-in with a mouse yesterday, I was running late and needed something quick. So I grabbed some chocolate chip brioche that I had in the refrigerator and made a chicken sandwich. It was delicious.

Sorry, I ate it without thinking to take photos, but this is a photo of the brioche.

Tina Radcliffe introduced me to Dave's Killer bread, and I'm a huge fan of the raisin loaf. For that sandwich I used honey mustard, chicken and some slices of orange.

I think I've mentioned before the absolutely fabulous sandwich I had at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden which had turkey, honey mustard and orange slices on a mini baguette with lettuce.

So, I'm curious. Are you a plain old sandwich eater? PB&J, Ham and Swiss, etc?

or do adventurous combos appeal to you?


  1. Mary Cate, while I totally got excited when you said Chocolate Chip Brioche, I'm not sure I would think of using it for a sandwich. French toast (which I love to use raisin bread for) or by itself, but not necessarily with something savory. You definitely know how to think outside the box, my friend.

    1. Oh, I love cinnamon raisin bread French toast. Now I'm hungry, Mindy.

  2. I am a boring white bread sandwich person. I'm ridiculous. For a patty melt I want rye, but I'm not an experimenter with bread although I love bread!!!! But I haven't mixed sweet and savory with bread, and now I'm wondering why????


    From one who has a creature living in her walls that has escaped prison and death, I can heartily sympathize!!!!!

    1. UGH, there were two more today, but at least these two didn't touch ME!

      I was always a white bread or rye person, but I've gotten BOLD.
