Friday, March 23, 2018

Wonderful Flowers!

Missy Tippens

Since I only cooked once this past week (and it's a recipe I've shared before), I decided to share some photos I've taken recently of beautiful flowers.

First, a wonderful arrangement that some of the current Seekerville bloggers sent me after my father passed away. They were a stunning arrangement, and the roses smelled wonderful! Here a photo from the day they arrived...

And here they are nearly a week later, after the blossoms opened fully. They were so lush, just gorgeous.

I also wanted to share some photos of the really creative, pretty arrangement of flowers at church this past Sunday. Such clever use of different sizes of vases!

And I love that we have an alter guild, volunteers in the church who do the flowers each week. They're so talented!

Now, on this one, I need your help. I love these bushes! Such pretty colors--leaves and flowers. I see them everywhere. But I'm not sure what they are. Maybe you can help me!

Okay, y'all share your expertise.

Are you starting to experience spring in your area?


  1. Missy, we have those in our flower beds, too. They're called Lorapetalum. The leaves on ours are a little more purple than green, but the flowers are the same. Just Google Lorapetalum and you'll see pictures.

  2. Thanks, Mindy! Yeah, some of the leaves are really purple. Some are green. Then there are the flowers. I wondered if it's related to azaleas.

    Thanks for giving me the name! I'll check it out.

  3. Just looked it up. Also called Chinese Fringe Flower. Related to the witchhazel family. Very interesting!

  4. I'm so glad Mindy chimed in on the flower identification. Southern plants are a mystery to me...

    The most recent sign of spring around here is that the red-wing blackbirds came back yesterday. We have a creek behind our house, and all summer long I'll hear their beautiful songs (their other calls aren't so beautiful, so I'll just ignore those!)

    I haven't checked on my crocuses yet. They were covered with snow until last night's rain, so I'll have to check them if the yard dries out a bit today.

    And the flower arrangements are beautiful!!!

    1. Jan, I hope you see some soon! A lot of our trees are already past peak, the blossoms are gone, and they're full of new green leaves! It's amazing how quickly it happens around here. The cherry and pear trees bloomed early. Then the red buds. Now azaleas are blooming. And tulips and daffodils. Dogwoods will come later.

  5. Jan hit our Spring on the nose. Last Fridays snow storm had the dogs and I itching for outsidr games so we (I) bundled up and went out to the field behind our complex. Incase you wanted to know a bright orange frisbee can get lost in a pile of fluffy snow. When it thawed someone got a fancy new nerf frisbee. I felt so bad I went online and bought 4 new ones so I have a stash. Either way we all had fun running in the snow and getting fresh air. We are now ready for SPRING and not just the teaser that we have been getting.

    1. Katie, that's so funny! I hope someone enjoys their frisbee after the thaw. LOL

      I'm glad you got to enjoy some outdoor time!
