Thursday, August 21, 2014

Microwave That Corn!!!!

Well, we had the Greatest Weekend Ever! The first time all six kids have been home together in six years, so this was a Wonderful Weekend at Ruthy's house!!!!

Did we cook?

Yes, Ma'am!

I wanted to spoil them with Ruthy-food, and (of course!!!) free Ruthy-advice!

We made stuffed mushrooms,  RECIPE HERE!!!!!! bacon-wrapped scallops (no brainer on that one, but I'll show you step by step soon!) steaks on the grill, Lindi Peterson's famous MACARONI AND CHEESE (yes, that's a live link to the recipe, a new Blodgett/Herne family fave!!!) and a BLT salad (made by my niece Wende and AMAZING....) and Crab Alfredo (made by Lacey, my beautiful daughter-in-law) which was a-stinkin'-mazing and oh my stars, so much else.... and yes, I'll give you those recipes in the coming weeks, so much fun to try new things!!!!

Burgers on the grill, Zweigle's hot dogs, fresh corn on the cob....

And that's what brings me to this:

MICROWAVED CORN  because it was so easy and I'm still in awe!

Take one ear of corn.

Put it in the microwave on high power for four minutes.j


Cut off "handle" end at the edge of the ear of corn....

Hold the "silk" end and PULL.......

Everything slips off! The husk, the silk, everything! It's the best short-cut EVER!!!!!!

In 4 minutes and NO PANS TO WASH, I can have an ear of corny deliciousness!!!! HAPPY RUTHY!!!!!

And here is happy Ruthy in the bounce house last weekend with a crowd of grandkids:

How stinkin' cute are they???? Paige is my niece, but then you've got Emma, Katie, MacKenzie, Nathan, Elijah, Mary Ruth and Xavier!!!!!



  1. Look at all the kiddos! I love that!

    I'm going to try the mac and cheese recipe. I still haven't managed to make a good mac and cheese. Definitely my fault and nt the recipe's fault! I just need to find one that is fool-proof.

  2. Virginia, the only thing I do different with Lindi's mac and cheese is to add about 1/4 cup of hot pepper sauce. I like my mac and cheese with more zing, and the family loves it. I was also out of evaporated milk one time and substituted 1/2 cream and 1/2 regular milk and it came out fine..... It's just a marvelous recipe and the only one my family has liked ever. Totally worth trying!

  3. Yes on the corn! I shared this method a year or so ago because it's so amazing!! I do it all the time now. :)

    I just love those kiddie photos. What a fun weekend!!

    1. I must have missed it or forgotten, Missy! Beth showed me and I couldn't believe how good it was! Awesome! You'd never know it was microwaved!

  4. Awesome family picture on the front porch!!!! What a blessing!!!! But just thinking about the cooking for all of them...thud! Not for the faint of heart.

    And funny thing about that mac and cheese recipe. I love mac and cheese so I thought I'd try it. Dreadful! Phewy! Yuck! It was awful. Threw the whole batch out. Was beginning to think dark thoughts about the Yankee Belle Café until I realized I'd used sweetened condensed milk instead of evaporated milk!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh, so funny, Kav!!! And you know why you did that? Because in Lindi's post she mentions THAT MISTAKE and it sticks in your head!!!! So you think "Condensed" milk because she tells you not to get that, LOL! Oh, yes, that would be horrid!!!

  5. Wow. The corn recipe. Never tried it. And you don't put the husk in water first? No microwave fire?

    We usually husk ours first and then put in a shallow pan of water in the microwave for five minutes.


    Great family photo!!!

    1. Nope. No fires or even burned husks. No water needed. And the silks stay in the husks. Very easy and tidy.

    2. Tina, honestly, not much amazes me. This did. None of the silk lingers, and it's just stinkin' easy peasy.


  6. I am just uber impressed by this corn method. Will HAVE to try it. SOON.

    Love the idea of adding the pepper sauce to the mac & cheese, too. My guys didn't care for it much, so maybe that will help. Heaven knows it's easy.

    Ruthy, what a crew you have. I bet you had a blast this weekend. And I'd say a bounce house ranks right up there with dancing at the HQ party. :)
