Friday, June 15, 2012

Doomed by Deadline Pounds!

Missy, here. And I've discovered over the years that I tend to put on anywhere from 2-5 pounds as each book deadline nears! My excuses reasons?

No time to cook (eat whatever I can get my hands on).
No time to go to the grocery (tend to clean out the pantry and fridge until the family rebels).
Stress and worry (need to munch on something crunchy or sooth myself with rich sweets).
Sitting like a bump on a log for hours on end (no explanation needed).

So what's a gal to do??

*Enlist help. My daughter had friends over on Monday night, so I sent the kids to the grocery to buy food (that I could quickly cook) for dinner. To entice my son to drive her and help, I allowed him to buy whatever he wanted while there. :) The quick, easy meal she requested was my Chicken Alfredo I shared a while back.

*Keep a well-stocked freezer and pantry (plan way ahead, anticipating the deadline crunch).

*Choose healthy carryout once you're in the last couple of days. Then enlist kids to pick it up!

*Take the time to get up and make something decent. I made a quick veggie pasta with odds and ends out of the fridge for lunch the other day. For one example, see this recipe I shared a while back.

*Move around. I've had to make sure to get up and move around--go get the newspaper or mail, take the dogs out for a few minutes... I should probably set a timer for this. I tend to sit for hours, then I'm stiff and swollen. It can't be good for me to do that. I must do better!

Okay, I've admitted my deep dark deadline secret. If you're the same, time to admit it. To make me feel better. :) If you're not...well, you can just make fun of me. :)


  1. Missy can your daughter cook (I ask cos my mother never taught or let me do much of the cooking, baking of sweet things yes but savory no.) If she can you may encourage her to cook while you are on a dead line or when your not teach her a few easy to cook meals. I have some of mum's recipes for things like Tuna mornay which I really like but its doesn't have amounts or much info so its hard to make when I dont know how quanities.
    Also when you are making some of the meals that freeze well maybe make a double batch to freeze some for when you will be on a dead line.

    Oh you dont have to be on a deadline. I have times I dont know what I really want or haven't the energy to find something and eat rubbish.

  2. Jenny, she did bake brownies for me! LOL But I guess that shouldn't count as a meal, should it?? :)

    She's been good about making her own lunch each day, but it would be a good idea to teach them how to cook dinner. Thanks for suggesting it!

  3. I'm on a deadline too, Missy. My first! A reason to celebrate, right? :)

    In order to keep myself moving, I do the laundry while I write. Once an hour I have to get up and change things from the washer to the dryer, or dryer to basket (I fold in the evenings). Or I go out to get the mail (our box is half-way down the street). Or I take the trash out. Anything to get moving!

    Sweet snacks: 16 Ghiradelli chocolate chips. One serving. When they're gone it's soda crackers. Plain. Unappetizing and not too fattening - but crunchy. Chewing gum works, too.

    My dear daughter (now living at home again...and job hunting) loves to cook. She's taken over about one meal a week - whichever she chooses. Yes, it's super nice.

    The family knows they're on their own for lunch. I keep stuff around for sandwiches, ramen noodles, mac and cheese, and leftovers (if there are any), and they fix their own.

    Grocery buying is Thursday afternoon. I work around it. I've seen what my kids bring home from the store, so they don't go alone with my money.

    For dinner I use recipes that either go in the crock pot or can be made in 30 minutes or less. I started this when we were homeschooling.

    Maybe that's why this deadline isn't so stressful for me - when my children were still in school, we'd work from 8am until 4 or 5 every day. I write on the same schedule, so it hasn't been a big adjustment for me.

    I hope those aren't my "famous last words"!

  4. yay, Jan!! It's a wonderful thing!! Sounds like you'll handle the poundage better than I do! LOL

  5. BTW. I'm heading to search for chocolate chips now. :)

  6. OHMYGosh! Facebook peeps were right! This is the palce to go when you're sure the housework is making you fat. I don't have a current deadline, but I have been writing a lot more, and eating a lot more, and sitting a lot more. I'm hoping now that spring is here, fresh food will find it's way to my desk instead of the... less fresh, packaged goodies.

    You inspired me. My 10yo is making lunch. She's stirring chicken in a pan, and my son just put rice in the microwave for the base of the dish. The canned corn is next... Not so incredible, but certainly fuss-free.

    1. You're starting them out right!

    2. Virginia, I'm impressed!! I ended up texting my son at work and asking him to bring home Zaxby's. So I had a healthy Zalad with grilled chicken!

      Though I just asked him to bake me an pineapple upside down cake, and he refused. Go figure. :)

  7. We'd never make fun of you, Missy! How exciting that you have a deadline because that means we'll get to read something new from you soon. :-)

    Living alone, I don't have to worry as much about throwing together a grand dinner every evening. Me, Myself and I are happy with scrambled eggs and toast if need be. As long as there's doggie kibble in the cupboard my little family is good to go! LOL.

    I do try to cook/bake on the weekends though and freeze portions so I have somethind decent and cheap throughout the week when things get frenzied. By Wednesdays I'm usually out of umph to make lunches so it's nice to be able to open the freezer and grab something quick. I suppose that would work for looming deadlines if you looked far enough ahead.

    And wheeeeee - guess what came in the mail last night? My eharlequin order so I have Ruthy's book for the weekend! That means I have a reading deadline -- does that count? LOL.

  8. When I was in grad school a long time ago, I lost weight even though I was eating M&Ms. I finally figured out staying up about 20 hours for five days during exams burned more calories.

    Now I have to get off the computer and move every hour. My stairs are right by my study door.

    I have also switched to making my own honey coated almonds. I can't eat many but there is something about the protein, fat and sugar combo that satisfies me.

    Virginia, I told you!

    Kav, it's a great story.

    1. Well, Julie, I'm doing 14 hour + days right now, so maybe by some miracle I'll lose! Of course, I'm not quite college student age. LOL

      I did try eating chocolate chips earlier like Jan says she does. But I only had semi-sweet. Ick. Not nearly as appealing as milk. They need to go in cookies.

    2. Missy, semi-sweet is the only way to go - 60% Ghiradelli.

      Wait, if you eat milk chocolate, that mean more of the good stuff for me :)

      Go for it, Missy. Keep on with the milk chocolate!
