Saturday, May 28, 2016

Easy Spring Genoise Cake with Raspberries and Cream!

Hello, everybody! The Fresh Pioneer is back and I've got a really easy, light, tasty and DELICIOUS cake for you. We found this recipe in Illustrated Step by Step Baking and my second oldest daughter decided she wanted to try it out. 
Here's the photo. Mmmmmm. Looks amazing!
 But somehow, this is how the cakes turned out. Go ahead and laugh. We sure had a good giggle at these poor little creatures. They were like sweet tortillas, but not as flat.
 But you know me. I never throw away anything half-way edible, so I decided to cut them into little squares.
 I dug out my mini Cointreau and Grand Marnier bottles (used for cheesecakes, yum!).
 I soaked those little hard squares in cream and Cointreau. And another batch in Grand Marnier. And one more batch in just sweetened cream.
 The whipping cream made a sweet layer...
 Non-alcoholic version! Check out the raspberry nose. Love!
 OK, so this is take two. I helped this time and my daughter said that she didn't remember putting in the baking soda, so maybe that was it?

Here are the ingredients:
1 cup flour
4 large eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
grated lemon zest

2 cups heavy cream
11 oz raspberries
2 tbs powdered sugar
 Let the cakes cool and then trim so that they lie flat. Or mostly flat. Layer on the whipped cream an raspberries.
 Apply the second layer.
 Action shot!
 Cover the cake in the cream. It's getting warm and looks pretty sloppy but persevere! After the cake is covered, pop it in the freezer. After about twenty to thirty minutes, remove the cake and spread the cream into shape.
 The finished cake. It's a perfect dessert for a very hot day if you serve it immediately out of the freezer. Not frozen, just chilled!
 We were aiming for perfection, just delicious!
The inside shows those nice fluffy layers. So good!

That's it for now and I hope everybody has a wonderful Memorial Day. Be sure to pop by my author page Mary Jane Hathaway, my other author page Virginia Carmichael, or my blog at The Things That Last. Until next time!


  1. Super duper...YUMMMMMMY!!!!!!

    1. It was!! But these posts are always weeks behind when we actually had the cake so now I want to make it again!

  2. How could raspberries and whipped cream ever be bad???? This looks marvelous and refreshing! And I realized that I didn't put baking soda into a batch of cookies a few weeks back.... they tasted fine but they were the flattest cookies ever! So that teaspoon is an amazing catalyst!

    Have a lovely Memorial Day weekend out there in the western U.S. of A.!!!

    1. Haha! I'v done the same thing. Or put in baking soda twice (ick) or baking soda and no baking powder, etc.

      You, too!

  3. Oh my, that brings back such memories of my first "baking from scratch" attempt. Looked pretty much the same. I remember my feeling of gratitude that the family ate it to humor me.

    I have fresh strawberries from the farmer's market. Bet those would work as well. YUM!

    1. SWeet family! It's always good to lend support that way.

      We went strawberry picking at a farm today and the berries are SO ripe. I forget what real berries are like until it's strawberry season!

  4. Looks yummy!! And even looks cute on the nose. ;)

    1. He wasn't as happy when he saw the picture. "Why did you wipe it off?" It's hard to understand how cute you are when you're five...
