Friday, June 19, 2015

Trying A Food Delivery Service

Missy, here. I thought I'd share with you a fun service I tried called HelloFresh. They send fresh ingredients to your home in all the correct amounts you need along with the recipes. And you prepare it yourself. Each shipment has 3 meals included. I ordered for two people, but there was sometimes enough to feed three.

You receive everything packed in one box. My main concern about the whole process was all the packaging. Even though you can recycle some of it, I felt guilty about it. We recycle everything we can and fill a huge bin every week. (I did tell them in a survey about my concern over the packaging. I guess it's just the nature of this type mail service.)

The produce came in plastic bags that kept things fresh. The box was lined to help keep everything cool. And inside were several frozen ice packs (disposable and non-toxic).

The meats (well, proteins, actually) were in the bottom of the box. For our week, we had steak, chicken and shrimp (it was already deveined). The proteins were all top quality, fresh and very tender.

Sorry this photo came out sideways. It's the recipe book.

They also sent pre-measured herbs and spices. For the first recipe I made, the package included a small packet of sour cream. A tiny jar of mayonnaise. You'll also see a small bag of green onions and fresh tarragon. The brown in this photo is the bread--brioche.

This particular meal was Brioche Shrimp Rolls with a butter lettuce and radish salad. It was DELICIOUS! If I could set aside my feelings about the packaging, I could tell you wholeheartedly that the food was amazing.

The recipes all took a bit of time to prepare (at least compared to what I usually cook). :) But it was well worth the time and effort.

First, I boiled the shrimp with a little lemon juice. Then I drained it, chilled it with cold water, drained again, and then chopped it up.

Combine the shrimp with a little mayo, sour cream, lemon zest, chopped scallions (the white part), chopped fresh tarragon and a dash of lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper. This makes a nice shrimp salad that's really tasty on a toasted brioche bun with some lettuce.

Serve with a nice salad. This one had a little bite to it with the radishes, which I love. But the salad dressing recipe also called for lemon juice, sour cream and scallions (the green part), so it was a little too similar to the shrimp salad for my taste.

Overall, I was happy with the food. Like I said, it was very fresh and tasty! Have y'all ever made shrimp salad? What do you put in yours?


  1. No shrimp salad here but what a neat idea. We have an organic farm up here that offers home delivery -- but not the whole recipe idea. You sign up for number of people and then you get veggie and fruit locally grown and in season delivered to your door each week. Kind of fun because you never know what you're getting. Plus you can order specific organic dairy products. Nice to get quality food delivered right to your door.

    1. Kav, I have a friend who does that! Since it's local, there's no packaging. I need to ask her for the company name.

  2. My niece in San Francisco area uses a service like this. I have visited her and cooked some of the meals they send. They are very creative and what is nice is that they send the spices already measured. That way, you don't end up with tons of expensive spices not really being used up before they go bad. ANd you get meals with some unique flavors. Yum.

  3. Missy, do you really get more packaging than you would buying all those ingredients at a store? Just thinking about your concern for waste.

    1. Sandra, it really is nice for having no waste as far as the food goes. But yes, the packaging is much more since they have to keep it cold in the mail (it's mailed, not delivered from the company).

  4. This is an interesting idea. I hadn't heard of this before, although I have heard of snack boxes. With those you get non-perishable snacks, so you don't have to worry about refrigeration, etc.

    But this would be a great gift for someone who had just moved in to a new house, or someone in their first apartment. Even someone with a new baby. No worries about going to the store, figuring out what to fix, etc.

    Thanks for sharing this with us, Missy!

    1. Jan, I remember Tina sharing a link for those snack boxes. I need those when I run out of good things to munch on while writing! :)

  5. What a fun idea, Missy! I've often looked at them, but then I think of price/meal/ratio and I shy away. If it's going to cost me more, I'd rather grab an unhealthy burger.


    But I don't do that often, either, because I always think about what better way could I use that money. If I eat tuna... (I know, I know!!!! Guilt is my motivator, God gave me an extra dose) then I can do more good with the extra $10.

    It probably sounds silly. And I do make exceptions because we know I love Abbott's Frozen Custard and I'll buy myself ice cream now and again. And my boys give me Starbucks cards because they know I love to go there when I'm traveling.

    Aren't we the weirdest bunch?

    Now that doesn't mean I won't grab good food at Sam's Club, etc. but then I rationalize it in my head that it's cheaper! And still good.


    I'm a head case, Missy!!!

    1. LOL, Ruthy. Yeah, we all have our own motivators (aka guilt inducers). :)

    2. I'm so glad you understand me!!!!!

  6. We have CSA's here, too, where the farm or ranch supplies a weekly box/bag/tote of produce/eggs/food. And I love that idea, so this isn't really any different.

    Except itty bitty spices.... and itty bitty jars of mayo.... :)

  7. Missy, we had a store that opened in our neighborhood that did exactly what this service is (except you went in and picked out what you wanted). Everything came in pre-measured portions with directions.
    I never went there, but it closed pretty quickly. Apparently there is a service in the area that does the same thing. I've never used that either. ;)

    For shrimp salad, I've enjoyed it either with grilled shrimp or using a horseradish dressing.

  8. So I googled it. This is the service I'd heard of -

    It's free delivery nationwide and they say they never repeat the same recipe within a year.

    Don't think I'll be trying this either - for pretty much the reasons Ruthy stated. I'd rather spend the money on ice cream or books.

  9. This is brilliant! I live a few miles from our grocery store and I still hate to go. now, does it come with the chef??
