Friday, May 24, 2013

Tina Radcliffe Juices Her Way to Writer Health

Tina Radcliffe Juices Her Way to Writer Health

I’ve got the juice bug. Inspired by Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, the movie (available on YouTube for free right now, also free for Amazon Prime and available on Netflix free streaming), I purchased a Breville Juice Fountain Plus and began my REBOOT!

I started last Monday and I’ll tell you how it REALLY was. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I spent napping or wishing I could be put out of my misery. I was in severe caffeine, processed sugar, flour, and processed food in general WITHDRAWAL. No less pain than a junkie. Trust me. Severe headaches as I was a total java addict.

By Wednesday afternoon I was beginning to show signs of surviving detox.

Thursday I felt great. Not just good but great with lots of energy I haven’t had in a long time. I’m going as long as I can on this juice fast, but don’t let that intimidate you. You can juice one meal, two meals or check out the three day and five day REBOOT on the Reboot with Joe website.

Basically, it’s five 16 oz. juices a day, 80 percent veggies and 20 percent fruit. A fruit only juice is recommended in the am only as it will raise your blood sugar and plunge it.  I started working my way up to five juices. Frankly three was filling me up. But it’s good to have options if you are hungry. Strangely enough, I am NEVER hungry.  I have a few cups of hot water with lemon in the am, herbal tea at night and lots of water during the day, including a pitcher of TAZO tea (unsweetened) that I keep in the fridge.

As far as recipes there great juice recipes on the Reboot site, and many come with the Breville, and you can get this free for Kindle juice recipe book on Amazon-.Breville Health Full Life: Juice Recipes for the Juice Fountain® Plus. There’s some REALLY good stuff in there, obviously valuable no matter what kind of juicer you have.

It’s trial and error to find what you like and what gags you.  Also, if a fruit or veggie is on sale I buy it and then go home and go to the Reboot site and search for a recipe to use it in.

Here’s my yummy breakfast today:

Spiced Celery, Apple and Carrot

4 celery stalks
2 apples (red)
3 inch piece of fresh ginger
3 carrots whole and unpeeled

Clean up is easy. I toss the parts in a sink of warm water to soak while I drink and then clean them and let them air dry. The pulp is collecting in a shopping bag on the side of the machine. You can use it for cooking, compost or toss it.

Serve your juices over ice, at least until your taste buds acclimate.

Another favorite recipe?

Apple, strawberry, pineapple and cabbage with lemon!!

BTW on a side note, I am trying to send an author friend to REAL REBOOT CAMP. So if you have a chance, go and vote for her here.

So what do you think? Is juicing in your future? Have any questions?

Tina Radcliffe is a Love Inspired author who resides in Arizona. Her latest release is Mending the Doctor’s Heart. You can find her at


  1. Okay here's an update. 11 days and 11 pounds. Broke fast today for chopped salad. Worth it. Back on the wagon tomorrow. But still no caffeine.

    Favorite juice so far...well watermelons are in season. Two cups watermelon, 2 gala apples, wedge of red cabbage and 1 peeled pink grapefruit.

    Still developing a taste for the veggie ones but I am drinking them.

    1. I watched the Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead video. It really is inspiring. I sit here drinking my Diet Coke for breakfast.
      I'm proud of you, Tina. Way to go.

    2. Toasting you with a watermelon spritzer.

  2. my friend got a nutribullet for mother's day and has started making this kinda stuff - I tried a taste of one and wasn't thrilled. she feels better though and didn't seem hungry. she was also eating meals but not as much. as for me I doubt it- I like chewing too much :-) might do it to get in some veggies though

    1. Susanna, I've been a little anxious about it because I like chewing, too. :) But I would love eating this healthy!

  3. You know, I forgot I could vote for Rogenna DAILY!!!!! What's the matter with me??? I'm so glad for that reminder, Tina!

    I think that documentary that "Joe" did about Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is about the most inspirational thing I've seen in years... Because you see Joe make the decision toward wellness and body balance, and he doesn't pretend it's easy... But he lets you see the growing strength and awareness... truly, if weight is a problem or if you feel like your life is out-of-balance with medications, etc. go watch this. It could be a life-saving hour and I rarely recommend anything deeper than NCIS because Gibbs is that stinkin' cute. :)

    Tina, what about V-8 juice and things like that? Can you just sub in that kind of thing?

    And does it matter if you're juicing a salad or chewing it? Part of the reason I live on broccoli slaw when I'm low-carb is because I love to chew and lettuce doesn't have to be chewed all that much. And it doesn't stick with you.

    Or do you think it's a mental thing, that chewing food makes you want other foods? And then the diet change gets undermined by the brain?

    Our bodies (and everyone who works on this blog knows this) are complex machines, so many parts working together.

    This is a super great look at the physical/mental/health side of embracing a different life-style. You rock, dude.

  4. Good morning, Tina. I did juicing for awhile, but I never really got into it full time.

    Ruthy, I got a Nutribullet for my birthday last year and the info that comes with that says something about making the nutrients more available to your body when you crush the food. With the Nutribullet you don't get the pulp Tina mentioned. All of that is pulverized into a drink so you're getting all of it.

    My favorite Nutribullet drink included kale or spinach with banana (or avocado), almonds, and pineapple. Because the Nutribullet is so powerful, the almonds are ground completely. yum.

    Tina, I applaud your caffeine withdrawal, I tried to cut to one cup on Monday and wondered why my brain was too foggy to do math with my class in the afternoon.

  5. I had to give up many of the things you mentioned when I developed my allergies. No prepared food. No cola. No fast food. It was ugly.

    Getting diagnosed as pre-diabetic actually got me back on coffee and it controls my blood sugar. But only two cups in the morning. No more. And no sugar in it either.

    But I still have some sugar to cut out and I am doing that over the next week. If I am snappish on Seekerville or FB, you will know why!

    So glad you are doing well.

    Peace, Julie

  6. Cabbage????!!!!! For breakfast???!!! You lost me there. :-) I've never juiced anything...not even fresh lemonade, but it does sound intriguing. No juicer though. I wonder if it would work in a blender? Maybe if I strained the pulp out? Wait -- I don't have a blender either. All I have is a little smoothie maker. :-( How long do you juice for? And what about protein? I imagine you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need in the juice. Lots to mull over this morning...including the fact that I don't see any chocolate in your list of ingredients. :-o

    1. LOL, Kav! I'm trying to imagine adding chocolate to the veggies! :)

    2. Kav, I'm guilty of eating cabbage for breakfast all the time... It stays with you (like oatmeal!!!) only no carbs and virtually no calories. And I love cabbage and broccoli and cauliflower and asparagus.

      I keep a stash of dark chocolate so that if I need the taste... I can grab two chips and be happy.

      I love that we can talk frankly about his here because we're in sedentary jobs and we're middle aged if we live to be 130, so it's important to focus on growing older successfully and healthy- at least as healthy as humanly possible, right?

  7. I also just learned that if the pulp is wet you can put it back through the juicer.

    So many more nutrients in juicing versus store juice. No chemicals.

    I tried decaf yesterday and actually now my tasebuds have changed and I prefer hot water with lemon. It seems crazy to me too but I do and I am so not foggy. Apparently I didn't need the caffeine after all.

  8. Cannot handle spinach in the juicer. And I love it raw. So will eat it raw.

    But Mary, I like that recipe combo. Will try it.

  9. There's protein in Kale, Kav. It is a low protein diet. But I have hibernation fat on me.

  10. You don't have to do it for all meals. Just during the day and a low fat dinner is good.

  11. I've thought about juicing, but making a breakfast smoothie is about as close as I get - yogurt, berries, spinach and ice, all blended together.

    Lately I've been working on cutting out the pop (soda, coke, whatever). I went completely pop free a few years ago, but then went back for some reason.

    And caffeine is something I go back and forth on. I drink one cup of tea in the morning, and that's it. Do I really need to cut that caffeine out? Some research claims some caffeine is actually good for our brains...but others will say it's bad.

    There's no field more confusing than trying to eat healthy, is there? I think the main thing that makes it so hard is that every body is different, so what works for one person won't work for another.


    I think I'll have a smoothie for breakfast, though :)

  12. Exactly Jan. So do what works for you. I plan to transition to smoothies too.

    It's like time and Pepper's post today. Your time stealers are unique to you.

    And then there is wine. Red wine is supposed to be good for you. Chocolate. Also good for you.

    Moderation is the key.

    Unfortunately I am not a moderation person.

  13. Tina, thanks for sharing your experience! I'm still thinking about buying a juicer. I would love one of those ones that mashes up everything like Mary mentioned, but I think they're a lot more expensive. Will have to be very committed to make that investment, no being this wishy washy!

  14. I tried the link and the video is down unless I get permission! I told them Tina sent me, but that didn't work, ;). I will have my son figure it out for me after our tutor session later. In the meantime, I have questions. In the past I did my own raw diet, and I consider juicing to be similar. One surprise for me was to find out that flax seeds don't activate unless they are ground. I was just dumping them on my salad and probably eating most of them whole because they're so small - they just go down with a swallow.

    About how many calories do you think you're eating?
    Do you freeze the bananas or fruit before you juice them.
    You don't core apples? Is everything unsweetened or do you use Stevia?
    Where did you get your Breville? I'm going to look for one at Kohls today, but don't know that I've seen them there before.
    I have a Breville juicer to make lemonade and orange juice. When you make your lemon water, do you squeeze the lemon juice first? I really got into making pitchers of lemonade for summer last year. But I used sweetener, of course.

  15. I don't freeze them. The juicer hates frozen fruit. I don't core the apples.

    I got my Breville for 149 on Amazon because I have Prime so it shipped free.

    No sweetener. Fruit is way sweet enough.

    The only thing I do with fruit/veggies is wash, take off the ends of carrots and peel the citrus fruit.

    Go to the website and look at the tabs-it has everything you need.

    Bananas are not on the plan btw.

    I buy ground flax. Yeah, whole comes out whole. He.

    1. I grind the flax seed in my old coffee grinder. :) Once I got my Keurig, I didn't need it anymore. :)

  16. Calories. I don't know btw. But if I get hungry I make another juice. Sometimes I eat raw watermelon or spinach. If it goes in the juicer I figure I can eat it if I'd like to.

  17. Looks like the free time for the movie has passed. Bummer. Here is a clip.

    It's on Amazon for streaming and Netflix. So worth it even if you don't juice.

  18. Cool! Thanks for the info. I was looking at recipes and saw some with bananas, but probably not from that site. Thanks for the heads-up and sharing this way of eating.

  19. Found it on this link:

  20. Oh my gosh! I almost missed this post and I just BOUGHT a juicer (on our internet yard sale site for $50 bucks). So, I have exactly the same juicer and now will start... slowly.

    By putting down the coffee.

    I saw that film with some good friends and they did the juice fast as a family. It really changed the way they look/eat/live.

    This was inspiring, thanks so much for sharing!!

  21. P.S. The first time I used the juicer, all the kdis gathered around and I juiced 3 oranges. Big bunch of frothy orange mixture.


    Except I did NOT know to peel the oranges. Ew. Bitter. Bad.

    I know, TSTL, right?

  22. LOL. Well it is kinda funny.

  23. You got the juicer for 50 bucks? I guess it's like treadmills. You buy them and its fun for a while and then you forget them.
