Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Week by the Sea

On Monday, Jan shared some of her beautiful mountain views. It was almost enough to convince me.
But I'm a coastal girl at heart. I can't be too many miles inland before the yearning for the ocean takes over.

My youngest daughter lives in Portland, ME, so the older daughter and I decided to go visit her for a week. We rented a cottage about a block from the beach. This is my idea of heaven.

Crossing the Piscataqua Bridge is a magical moment. Halfway across you leave New Hampshire behind and enter Maine.

A little bit down the road, you see this sign. Well, this is what you see now. For decades, the sign read Maine the Way Life Should Be. That sign was replaced with this Welcome Home sign. There was so much outrage over the loss of the original sign, that the bottom part was added last February.

The trip up on Friday was long, and as we arrived in Maine, fog shrouded everything. We were tired and hungry so we settled into our Air BnB and headed down to the waterfront in Portland for a late dinner.

Both my daughter and I chose the seafood scampi - shrimp, scallops, and lobster in a lemon garlic sauce over pasta.

The next morning, the fog had lifted, so this was my view when I took Fenway out walking.

The view off the Eastern Promenade in Portland. That's Casco Bay.

We picked up the younger daughter and took her cat to the vet for his checkup before heading down to York Beach.

Part of the reason I chose York was because we're allowed to take Fenway walking on Long Sands Beach before 8AM and after 6 PM. That was definitely my favorite part of the trip, so here are some photos.

Long Sands Beach

Sunset looking away from the beach.

We had dinner a couple of times at this delicious restaurant called Stone's Throw which was literally a stone's throw from the beach. These two photos are the view from our table.

We also stayed close by the Nubble Lighthouse so it was a lovely spot to just hang out with Fen and soak in the beauty.

Fenway likes the lighthouse.

Another restaurant. More lobster.

And finally, here are a few videos to help bring the beach to you.

We also brought two cats and Fenway. It had the potential for disaster, but everyone got along well.

Of course, by the time you're reading this, I'll be in Times Square for RWA19 - far far from the lovely beaches of Maine.

Where do you prefer to go for vacation - city, mountains, ocean, or some place else? 


  1. What a beautiful time you had! Obviously, you need to leave the city behind and run your own B&B in an old lighthouse in Maine!

    If I had to choose between the city, mountains, or beach, it would have to be the mountains...although a trip to the beach would be wonderful! When you live in the Midwest, it's a l-o-o-n-g way to the ocean!

    1. Ah, that sounds idyllic, Jan. It also sounds like the plot of a bunch of cozy mysteries. LOLOL

  2. Care you and I are on the same page! Don't get me wrong I love the hills, but part of the selling point to moving to IL is we are closer to lake Michigan. For me that could just as well be an ocean! One day I'm taking a weekend, finding someone to drive, renting a house, and spending a week there! We just have to get past Chicago and I won't drive there. So I wait and wait until Jacob will have time.

    1. I hear you, Katie. My daughter did the driving up there because I hate driving in the city. Once we were in Maine, I was happy to take over the wheel.

      I hope you get to go.
