Happy New Year, everyone! Wow, where has 2013 gone? But what a good year it was. For me, having the year bookended with LI contracts, one in January, one in December, was extra sweet.
I don't know about you, but I tend to let myself indulge between Thanksgiving and New Years. Then, by the time the calendar turns to January, I'm sick of eating. Sick of candies and cookies. Sick of my pants fitting just a little too snug. So then it's time to start eating right again and drop some of those unwanted pounds.
However, January doesn't come until tomorrow and our family has one last indulgent event of the season--my mother-in-law's birthday. Yep, she was born on New Years Eve, 91 years ago. Helen Obenhaus (sorry I don't have a pic) is not only the woman who introduced me to Ouray, Colorado, where her parents homesteaded in the 1920s and my books are set, she has also been all over the world, setting foot on every continent, all after the age of 60. Did you catch that? Every continent. Yes, she's the only person I know who has been to Antarctica.
So tonight, we will be celebrating her special day with some grilled steaks and who knows what indulgent dessert.
In the meantime, though, I allowed myself to indulge in one of my favorite dishes. One that is beyond easy, but I only allow myself to have it once a year, because otherwise I would be the size of the Goodyear blimp.
Frito Chili Pie is one of my most favorite things ever. (My brain is telling me we've discussed this recently, but not pinpointing anything, so I apologize if this post is repetitive) And you only need three, okay two, ingredients--Fritos and your favorite chili. (Number three would be shredded cheese)
And this takes easy peasy to a whole new level.
Start with a bowl of Fritos.
I love this stuff. Of course, it's hard to go wrong with Fritos, so why not find a way to make 'em a meal. :)
Is there something you absolutely love, but rarely allow yourself to have? Ooo...do tell.
Until next year, cheers, y'all!