Friday, January 29, 2021

The Cafe is Closed but the Porch Light is On

 Missy Tippens

Well, today is our last day of new posts at the Cafe. But we hope you'll enjoy our archived blog to look back, remember, and find your favorite recipes that have been shared for the last decade.

Thank you to all past regular bloggers and guest bloggers, to all who interacted with us, and to all our readers. You've been such a blessing!

Please keep in touch at the main Seekerville blog (which is for writers and readers) and on social media.

Don't be a stranger!

With love from Missy, Ruthy, Mindy, Jan and Cate


  1. It's been a great run!

    And yes, we'll keep the porch light on. Come in any time and sit a spell!

  2. Thank you for sharing your recipes and life lessons for so many years. I'm going to miss you guys!
