Thursday, June 25, 2020

Chocolate Stuffed Croissants

Easy and to-die-for!!!!  I did these here a while back, but I like this version better....

Get one package of mini-croissants from your local grocery store.

Or get two packs and make enough for folks to have two!!!

We slice them in half the long way and then stuff them with homemade chocolate mousse which is my homemade delicious chocolate pudding and whipped cream (real whipped cream, darlings) folded together in a 1-1 ratio.

So good!  Here's the recipe you want for the pudding:

Elegant doesn't have to mean hard! But you are not, are not, are N-O-T allowed to use instant pudding for this, that is just so highly wrong that I almost couldn't type the words!!!!

First, you're going to make homemade chocolate pudding, it takes about 8 minutes, and most of that is standing and stirring, so the effort is minimal!

And then whipped cream, which almost makes itself, right?

And store-bought, fresh mini croissants. Or you can make the canned ones, but I like the store-bought ones better for this, and this works even if they're a little stale. You'll see what I mean!

Dark Chocolate Pudding

3 Tablespoons butter
1 1/4 cup sugar
2/3 cup cocoa
dash salt
1/3 cup corn starch
3 cups milk
3 egg yolks
2 teaspoons vanilla

In 3 quart saucepan, melt butter. Remove from heat.

Mix all dry ingredients together. Add to butter. Mix with spoon.

Whisk in milk and eggs.

Return to heat, medium heat, stir or whisk until boiling. Boil and stir about one minute. Remove from heat. Whisk in vanilla. Chill Completely.

If you like the skin on pudding, don't cover it. But if you don't like the skin, take a piece of plastic wrap and place it right on top of the pudding while it's hot. The plastic wrap will keep the "fat" from rising and forming the skin, and you'll have skinless pudding when it's chilled!

Whipped Cream:

2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup sugar.

Whip at high speed until stiff.

Then take 1 cup of whipped cream and 1 cup of pudding and gently fold together. (For 16 croissants you want 2 cups of each) 

Stuff croissants. Put on a pretty plate. Dust with confectioners/powdered sugar.

Refrigerate until serving.

And there's also a great vanilla/strawberry version where you layer vanilla pudding, whipped cream and sliced strawberries for a whole different kind of fancy!

I like to use the big croissants for this one because they allow a better "landscape" for layering.

Both of these ideas are great for a no-bake summer dessert OR a wonderful holiday treat!

And here's a glimpse of our FUN WITH FAIRIES!!! event coming up this Saturday at the farm!  My friend Taylor Tydings did these prototypes of the "Pick Your Own" kit we'll be selling this weekend.... So kids can use common things (coffee cups and flower pots) to make their own fairy houses to invite fairies to live in their own gardens! 

And then here's Pumpkin, the young kitty, doing her best to turn Honey Bunny (hellacious cat) into a nice cat and it seems to be working!!!! She grooms her and plays with her, then goes all subservient so that Honey Bunny THINKS she's the boss... but we're women, and we know how this works! :)

A dragonfly, up close and personal!

Multi-published author Ruth Logan Herne loves writing heart-tugging books filled with unforgettable characters and cute kids who act like normal kids most of the time... which means hang onto your hat! She helps manage a pumpkin farm in Western New York and has a gang of people around most of the time during farm season, so she Did Not Like Shutdown because she's actually a people person.... but that's a topic for another day. :) Friend her on Facebook, stop by her website, or email her directly at She loves to hear from people!


  1. I remember the last time you posted this recipe, and I'm still SO impressed! But you make it look so easy that I know I could make these. But I'll wait until there will be people around to share them with.

    And I love those fairy house kits! I think I might let a fairy or two move into our front garden. They'll have to be deer friendly (since the deer come right up and look in the window while they're eating the flowers!) but I think the neighborhood children would love them. :-)

    1. Jan, we're spray-painting old coffee mugs... and little pots and saucers.... and then using acrylic pens to decorate them. And fake flowers that people throw away and pine cones and acorns.... and the wood rounds that Dave cuts from the firewood jobs. And those glass pebbles that people use with votive lights, etc.... and old buttons! :) Some fairies love old buttons. Maybe they're seamstress fairies?

  2. Ooh, those look so good! And I love the idea of using store bought croissants. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You know I forgot (duh) that I'd shared this recipe before, although I made the major change of MIXING the whipped cream and the pudding, LOL! I realized it when I was labeling it, but then it was too late to come up with something else.

      I get to summer and farm time and (like Mindy said earlier) there's just not a lot of innovative stuff going on, we go to easy food and old favorites.

  3. Oh, my goodness, Ruthy! Chocolate filled croissants - YUM! Fairy houses - Adorable! Kitten - Too cute!
